Cerulean은 여긴 암세포의 특성을 활용한 Drug delivery 방식이다.
암세포는 혈관을 통해서 영양분을 일반 세포보다 많이 빨아들이는데, 이런 이유로 암세포 주위의 혈관은 기공이 주위 혈관보다 더 크다. 그래서 좀 더 침투하기 쉽다고 하는데, 이러면 전달 물질의 사이즈는 큰 것으로 생각된다. 즉, 이 회사는 전달 물질의 사이즈가 큰 것 같다.
Founded in 2006 with technology from MIT and Caltech, Cambridge Massachusetts based Cerulean Pharma has taken in over $85 million in funding so far from the likes of Venrock, Polaris Venture Partners, Lilly Ventures, and Lux Capital. This 22 employee company is looking to raise around $74 million in their public offering and has a current deficit of $98.4 million. The company’s net loss for 2013 was $17.1 million and they have not generated any revenue from product sales nor anticipate to over the next several years. As of December 2013, Cerulean had cash equivalents of just $5.5 million.
Cerulean’s Platform
Cerulean has developed a unique nano drug delivery platform that can deliver drugs that target tumors by taking advantage of the abnormally large pores associated with tumor blood vessels. As tumors grow, new blood vessels are formed to provide oxygen and nutrients to the growing tumor. These new blood vessels have larger pores than normal blood vessels through which the Cerulean nanopharmaceuticals can enter:
![Source: Cerulean Pharma](http://www.nanalyze.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Cerulean_Nano_Platform.jpg)
Source: Cerulean Pharma
The nanopharmaceuticals while small enough to enter the tumor’s blood cells, are too large to then be shuttled out by the tumor cell’s transport pumps. They can then disintegrate over time while dynamically releasing the active drug payload within the tumor cell.
Cerulean’s lead product candidate is CRLX101 which through a standard injection, targets 3 cancer types with Camptothecin as its anti-cancer payload. Like Bind and Oasmia, Cerulean also has a second product candidate with Docetaxel as its anti-cancer payload. The current status of Cerulean’s pipeline can be seen below:
Bind Therapeutics라는 회사도 IPO를 했다 - 폐암 2상, 전립선암 2상
Bind도 Docetaxel을 전달하는 형태의 치료제를 테스트하고 있는 회사다. Docetaxel은 유방암, 뇌종양, 후두암, 위암에 쓰이고 있는 항암제다. 밑에 있는 Oasmia와 거의 같은 연구를 하고 있는 것이다.
The company’s lead drug candidate, BIND-014, is a targeted Accurin containing docetaxel. Docetaxel is one of the most commonly used cancer chemotherapy drugs approved for breast cancer, head and neck cancer, and gastric cancer. Prior to losing marketing exclusivity in the US in 2009, Docetaxel achieved global sales of around 3 billion. Generic Docetaxel continues to be a mainstay in cancer treatment despite significant side effects. Bind hopes that through the targeting capabilities of the Accurin delivery system, these side effects can be minimized.
![Bind Pipeline](http://www.nanalyze.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Bind-Pipeline.jpg)
스웨덴 회사 Oasmia - 난소암은 이미 3상. 유방암은 1상 단계
이 회사는 유방암 치료에 쓰이는 화학적 항암제인 Docetaxel을 drug delivery하는 방식이다. 정확하게 RNAi라고 하긴 어려운 것 같다.
Oasmia’s lead product candidate, Paclical, is currently in phase III clinical trials for treatment of ovarian cancer. The active substance in Paclical is paclitaxel, which is one of the most commonly used cytostatics in the world. The company’s patented invention XR-17 is a hydrophilic platform that can be used on a various number of agents, especially in order to improve the profile pattern and water solubility of otherwise sparsely soluble compounds. Like Bind Therapeutics, Oasmia also is developing a nano enabled drug delivery formulation of Docetaxel which achieved global sales of around 3 billion in 2009. The Company’s pipeline is seen below:
RNAi 회사들의 IPO와 Clinical trial이 줄을 잇고 있다.